Hey would you mind commenting on this thread on Bungie.net? We're trying to get our TCE thread in the Classifieds to "Top Forum Topic" status,...
Thanks! You're awesome!
Well, JBSpudster and I were reviewing his map (he had posted it in our Bnet group's forum) and we immediately thought the basement looked like a...
http://www.forgehub.com/forum/videos/73264-spartan-strip-club.html Youtube vid is on that thread. Added music = win.
Chuck. Chuck. OMG. Chuck! http://www.forgehub.com/forum/videos/73264-spartan-strip-club.html
Well, my good buddy (and co-leader over at the Bnet group The Cutting Edge) JBSpudster and I were downloading and reviewing some maps when we came...
Hey Butt sTecks: you should watch this rendered video on Bnet and tell me what you think. It's a minute long. ;) Spartan Exposé
Would you perhaps appreciate this? It's a Film Clip. Spartan Exposé
Ummmm... Vice? Yeah. I... uh... may have done a bad thing. :/ Comments/ratings? Spartan Exposé It's a film clip. If the title doesn't pique your...
You're a PRIME Member on TCE now. ;) I featured The City!
MC ****** of "Show Me Your Genitals" fame is back. And homicidal. YouTube - I Kill People
In all honesty, this is one of the most neatly done Sandbox maps I've yet seen that utilizes the middle floor. Your pictures do an outstanding job...
I didn't write it. It's copypasta, as an earlier person said. I did, however, go through and reformat it a bit. I figured that it was funny enough...
It will always be there to be read. ;) Tell me what you think of it after you're done reading!