Bed N Breakfast is going to be HUGE
That would be pretty nifty if you got eight teams and hosted MLG tourneys here. I'm sure it would become successful and grow if ran well.
I know this is kind of late but jeez; it’s still in my head like it happened five minutes ago. Str8 has so much energy throughout the whole...
Yes the template is going to be available soon, hope you guys enjoy it. The map is about half done on sniper side - within the next week or two -...
I've finally finished up on my Regicide map concept with a halo 3 foundry template of my own making. To the point: Regicide is my next big map and...
I just threw it together in like 10 minutes. For the past weeks of working on this today I could finally try out the template in full and I...
lol sweet, hey ya know I'm going to put up a 7 month old version of amplified in my fileshare just for chits and kicks ;) :p I've held this off...
Awesome, thanks for the testing :D I might get back to it - after today.
Nice article =) This map is a golden oldie and plays FFA extremely well. I'm sure Kon will be happy about this, man; he sure has an edge of design.
Kon you got the front page mayne! Congrats bro
There were budget limits and still budget issues with that concerning the center. I thought about simply adding geomerged half 45 degree corner...
Thanks for catching that for me =) I have no idea why BNet posts randomly expire like that. It's fixed now.
None taken, MLG Game Testers confirm different. There's no setup only scope for heavy Slayers to shine with massive-focused battle awareness.
Mmm the good stuff. Amazing thread keep up your good work.
The Pit, that's right... daaaaa Pit. lol There's dislike for guardian on team slayer - has too many narrow walkways/hallways and unnecessary...
Snipers are 150. Also, thanks for these threads Pegasi.
A 48 and strictly don't go in by myself to depend on randies who can never be trusted. I played a lot solo when version five came about, but...
Very nice basic guide on weapon template for MLG maps, I agree with all of that, nice start. Anyone starting up forged MLG maps should definitely...
For starters your base looks well made. Three level with custom heights looks very playable from your pics. A nice creative effort too. For...
I'm interested, I've looked at your thread and hope we can talk about improvements on review system if possible. I've given a lot of reviews on...