Oh, well you aren't missing much. I used to love GR but this is too much BF3 for me.
Wish multiquote worked. Fall damage: I don't believe it adds skill, it only adds a limitation. There is a difference. For example: I can't...
I have Conviction..I think it's open closer to the end of apri/first of may.
I was planning on making on actually. So far it seems like a pretty crappy mashup of what BF3/CoD would feel like in a TPS. Kind of a shame.
Dated mechanics, at least from a Halo sense. Fast paced action from Halo 2 was possible without these things, bringing them back slowed the game...
Naw, it's the perfect place to draw the line. It still was Halo. There weren't any vast sanbox changes and the only things wrong with it are...
Pinkie Pie - Happy birthday! - YouTube
Surprisingly my mac rocks it at a whopping 20 fps but it really doesn't feel bad at all, I can't even notice the lower FR. When I had SCII on...
Well, maybe they tried but they mostly failed. Complaints about netcode and random spread aside, the game still had a pretty far separation...
You play any D3 beta?
Yeah but Firefight wasn't called horde mode, it was called Firefight. With Spartan Ops, they're not even pretending it's something different.
That video made me facepalm so many times. Not that new info was present but it just shows how hardcore the casuals are in control of Halo 4. "I...
Can't wait til we find our they can spawn with rockets and snipers too. "But you can spawn with a MSR and and RPG in CoD..and that game is...
Very nice sir
Yep, made me feel even worse about the game. Honestly, it pisses me off that a "lead multiplayer designer" believes that sprint speeds up the...
So ballin
You can typically get to the action in Halo from any spawn point on a map in under ten seconds. Three seconds is a third of that time. So a...
You can't. Why? Because it's never been an option (unless modded into a gametype). Why? Because it's awful and doesn't work in Halo. You...
I'm not sure if you've read any of the new books, but I believe their is a reason for the distinction. @Skisma: I think that AA is Forerunner...
Borderlands 2 man, competitive multiplayer is dead these days.