I like this idea man.. I think it would be awesome for a multi-team game and each team has thier own class selection and teleporters to take them...
I agree with everything Alby said. This looks kinda tacky, I see many leaning walls and walls overlapping walls and walls and walls. Its just too...
Yeah I agree with everyone else.. Tidy it up a bit, and maybe a little bit more in the description. The pics really dont do this map justice. It...
I think I agree with most everyone else. The map looks well made and neat, but just isnt very compelling. No offense, but it just looks like alot...
Re: Das Büro ^^It's pretty obvious you need the map to play is it not?"^^ LoL..anyways, no offense, but this looks like most every other giant...
Hey I'm interested in all this stuff.. can anyone put up a list of MLG 'certified' weapons? I might take a stab at building an MLG map.
[i]Agreed.. this map could definately use alot of work from what I can tell. All your pics are of the stairs to the sword, and even that is...
What Gore said.. looks nice man, Ima DL as well and get back with a review ASAP
[i][color=maroon]Oh shoot boy! This looks pretty amazing from the pics man.. definately gettin a Download from me.
OMG! someone please tell me how to get that stupid beam rifle next to that fusion coil, and dont say blow it up cuz I cant....
Ummm.. Im not really sure, But I can tell you how to make it so they will be seen. Go to Photobucket.com and post your pics there. Then copy the...
Looks pretty good dude.. Guess I will DL and test it out. Everything looks nice and smooth. GJ
I saw this map a long time ago on B.net. Its a pretty solid remake. Would be nice to see more detail on the boat but given the circumstances its...
The video isnt available anymore.. [i]wuddafuxup!? Think you could maybe post some pics? [img][b][i][color=black]Ninja Monkey vanish* POOF!
This has been done so many times.. and this doesnt really look any different. Doesnt look like you used the interlocking technique much and it...
Umm.. juz looks like a big pile of scenery.. [i][b]wuddafuxup!? Very few details and only 1 pic dont exactly have me hurling myself at my mouse in...
This looks [i]Nice man.. definately gonna DL this 1. Will try to get back ASAP with a review. [img][b][i]Ninja Monkey vanish* POOF!
This doesnt look too intriguiging.. as stated above, it looks a bit rushed. I wouldnt really be interested in playing it. However I do think it is...
This looks pretty good man.. I think Ima DL.. GJ
I'll give it a go.. [img][b][i]Ninja Monkey vanish* POOF!