Cool.. thanks for the list guys, but why a mauler over a shotgun? Anyone know why? *[i]*thumbs up!**
Wow..WOW.. thats what I thought at first glance, then I realized you didnt interlock anything. =[ This looks like it has so much potential. I...
Hmm.. those pics dont really show off the map very well.. It would be nice if you added a few more just as an overview. I am however interested in...
Yeah it does look a bit basic.. but thaz not always bad, just don't except your DL count to shoot through the roof. It seems like it would have a...
Don't think there is man.. *[i]*SIGH** I feel your pain however.. I created my Four Points map with the intentions of playing 4-flag CTF... Only...
I have yet to play Rainbow Vegas but none-the-less, this looks like a decent map. Everything is nice and neat from what I can see. If my Xbox was...
There really doesnt seem to be anything original goin on in this map.. Just a bunch of rooms with scenery thrown in them. Definately needs ALOT of...
Looks pretty interesting.. I like the Open-Boxes sticking thru the wall and such. Im not so sure I like all that moveable scenery in the middle...
I think I have to agree with everything El Capitaine said. Way too many weapons.. 16 BRs? thaz nuts. Also the map looks to have only a few places...
Definately looks hectic.. nice interlocking. I cant DL tho cuz my Xbox is ruined. I have 1 complaint tho.. No Battle Rifle!? wuddafuxup!?
Re: Close Call Looks nice man.. Tho I have to agree with the comment about the fusion coils. Looks like way to many in 1 spot for me. I do...
From the pics it looks pretty cool.. I like the stairs out front. They have a certain artistic value to me. However its pointless for me to que...
Re: C.Q.B. Hmmm.. I cant see the pics.. Is it just me or did you change their link or something?
Looking good man.. definately neat so far.. keep that up. Im kinda anxious to see what you plan to build on either side of those central structures.
^^Juz for future reference.. when tryin to level fence walls and walls as floors here is a little trick I use. Stand a dumpster on end. Then stack...
Emo you stalkin me? First you want my achievements, now your all in my intro. LoL, juz kiddin. I should get some kinda gamerpoints for stealin...
That description is kinda overbearing to me. You should {IMO} correspond each sentence in that descrip with the pic. It almost seems like 1 giant...
Yo.. wuz up everyone? I am Deepmonkey Paw (XBL GT) and I love to forge. Been on this site for a little while now but just decided to do an intro...
Just did a forge-through of this map and I have to say that I absolutely HATE it now. WHY YOU ASK? Lemme tell you why. I was just sittin in your...
Just did a forge-thru of your map and I have to say for the most part it was decent. I do have a few minor complaints tho. Firstly some of the...