I know visually Assassin's creed is bright, but I don't want to make my sig look like the game. Also the storyline is a bit dark. Well the...
[IMG] I thought it turned out all right. CnC please!
This is kinda stupid of me for saying, but the game developers are shooting for a "T" rating, not "M." But I think it looks realistic. When I...
Yeah it's really simple.
I did a little... but you're right.
Yeah, me too. Now that I see them side by side I notice the lines ruin it.
This offends me.
Different versions are up.
I couldn't really decide on text. I'll change it later, when I'm a lot more relaxed.
I absolutely love this game! I bought it the day it came out. Original [IMG] Without Lines [IMG] Different Border [IMG] Cnc pl0x?
The Journey one is terrible (I love Journey though) and on the second one there is a little line of Earth below the sig.
You make them with Cinema 4D.
It's Green Day of course he looks emo lol.
I made a few new sigs. CnC please. I was testing pop-outs here so don't complain that it's too plain. [IMG] Here I was just messing around a...
Very original. I like it, reminds me of something you'd see under a bridge.
I like this one a lot. And no, not just because yellow is my favorite color. Do I detect ocean ripple filters?
No no, I'm just a crappy writer. I'm surprised I didn't say something like "that makes me hard." Oh and it's like 1 AM.
I like it, but what's that stock of?
Well I can't help you there!
There are a few ways but an easy way is double click the layer to open blending options. Click stroke set it to black or whatever color and...