iPod touch is miles better but costs like $400 (I don't know in pounds). I have the 1st generation iPod Touch and it just keeps kicking ass.
Hahaha that made me laugh so hard.
Draxfear, his just catches my eye. The reflection is cool and I like the stock. Oh and did Shade117 Pro make the exact same sig as me?
Why not? [IMG]
I like all the colors, the lighting might be a little too intense. Like Frag Man said, your focal seems to be the background, not the render....
I like it. Lots of really good sigs. You've got talent.
My computer runs Windows Vista. My sister's runs Mac OSX. We bring this debate up every once in a blue moon. Our look on this is that Mac OSs are...
Yeah maybe put it on soft light or lower the opacity.
100 Blastoise 100 Pidgeot 100 Alakazam 100 Machamp 100 Gyarados 100 Dagonite Red version. Believe it or not, I played it constantly when I was...
I think the background is pretty cool. You kinda went a little overboard with the lighting, though.
Why would he get respected status?
I removed the weird border and tweaked the color an iota. [IMG]
This kinda sucks in my opinion, but whatever. [IMG]
I like this one better. The black bar is annoying on the other one.
[IMG] Overused stock but whatever. I don't even know if that guy is from Muse.
I vote Dizfunky.I love the simplicity of it.
He's wearing black eyeshadow because he's Billy Joe Armstrong. Don't be hatin'! Anyways, I think it looks like you just recycled your Adam...
Could you be more descriptive?