Sorry I don't have time for much, it's like 2 a.m. I don't like how grainy it looks. [IMG]
I like this one better, it just goes. I like how clean this is, but it may also be too bright for some. The "Apples" text could be nicer but...
If you go into iTunes, you can restore it to factory default. If it's really screwy, you could always try this....
It's in the youtube video description.
No I didn't take you off. I'll try to help, but my school's homecoming game is tomorrow. I don't really know when it starts, lol. If I can be... You're welcome. Go into the video, click the bottom right ("menu") and copy and paste the url into...
Oh ok, then fantastic!
Maybe try making it more interesting instead of a black and white picture (You might have been going for a black and white picture though so I...
Not bad, a few things though. It's really blurry, try sharpening it a little. You should also try blending the render into the background a bit....
It allows third-party applications to be downloaded on your iPod or iPhone.
I'd use my Triton 1000 Luxury Submersible in my DI Vapor’s Cosmo TV Luxury Tub watching TV on my Panasonic 103 inch PDP Widescreen while listening...
I know how and I'll post a link if it's allowed... mods?
I think I'm missing something... LOL Zombie's sig just looks like a really small letter A. And I can't even see anyone else's, if they have...
Who do you guys think is doing the best so far, I think it's draxfear.
I think the words need to stay on a little longer. Oh by the way, it's cool.
The scanlines make it look kinda trippy, maybe it's just me though.
I nos likes squares. I'm more of teh sirkle typez.
I don't really like how the ripples are so distinct, but that's just me. Also, the colors are too overpowering, tone it down a bit. I can't...
HP Intel Quad processor with 4 gig memory and 20.5" HD monitor. Hellz yes. Oh and Vista :P