Never! I'm magical... >.> <.> <.< >.< :D O.o o.O o.o O.O
Oh, so its from a book? What one?
[IMG] Here's my newest creation! I just dl'd Gimp and was messin around with it. When I look at this, it reminds me of coffee. ^_________^
Could you make the zombie killing spree fade a little bit? :) Looks pretty BA, tho! Is that trashco? :S
Crouchaldhino & yomtvraps, you guys need to stop "spitting" on the people who reply to your map. They have the right to give constructive...
Im confused. Whats this for?
I did request a second one (which was optional) right... HERE.
Cool. But Trashco is not a good idea. It's icky. :eek:
the 2nd one is def better. very cool
lolololololol/ :P
oh. cool Maybe when I get better and get new programs, I'll join you guys with work.
whats this new thread you speak of?
There! I added more stuff. >>
they are?! OMG! MY color-blindness strikes again! This happened when a Power Drain exploded. >>
Yay! People liked my ideas! :D
I like the red line twirling around the guy. :)
It actually looks pretty sweet! :)
~~EDITS OF MY FORMER MEDALS~~ Name of the Medal: Bounty Hunter Description: Get 5 Killjoys in a Round. Difficulty: 8/10...
No effects are used on this pic. I just ran on top of a grenade... >> :P [IMG]
I named this screenshot Blue Rising Sun Spartan, because the lines remind me of the Rising Sun (except they're blue) and they are going across a...