not bad. It looks like you crowded it a lot, though. 4/10
Do they have Haunted Mansion in this week's Living Dead?
[IMG] Boo yah! [IMG] And the other. :p
I think that Elite will need plastic surgery after that incident. Holy helena! :p 1/10 Too easy to do. ><
Well, I remembered the roof (which is what you are standing on) because it was my favorite spot. :) Haunted Mansion, good times... :p
the only problem... it can't be blown down by a gust of wind (rocket launcher)! i want big esplosions and boomy noises. :X 2/10 that took...
E93, its not creativity... it's luck! :P Good shot! 4/10
Im just awesome like that. :P
Cool. Good thread! :D
I like the view but the hand is clearing an open palm, not a salute. :S 4.5/10
This is my favorite race track map ever! It never gets old! :D [IMG]
An okay map. Kind of plain and unoriginal (in the sense of no landmarks that just stand out at you). [IMG]
The Narrows one, the pit one, and the last resort one are my favorite! :D
Hey! Thats on Haunted Mansion! :P Cool pic! 7/10
thats hawt. :P Pretty cool picture, but you should've taken it in a cooler environment. Not foundry. :X 6/10
The map is boring after the first lap. :S [IMG]
That's hilarious. Good job. Seagulls can be such bitches at times. :P 9/10
Hey, I did too. weird. Where do you live, E93? Also, that pic is pretty BA. :p
I agree with the guy above ^ It's kinda dumb, too. :S 2/10
The planets look like an eye.