Welcome to Forge Hub, Goodeye! :) I am still a virgin to the katana, so I haven't heard of your B.net group. But good luck with that and your...
Welcome to Forge Hub! Make sure to learn how to correctly post your map before you make a fool out of yourself! Good luck. :) Much love,...
Welcome to Forge Hub, Benergizer. But don't accumulate your post count here! Go look around in all of Forge Hub's forum glory! Word up. Much...
Sup Forge Hub. I've posted at least 4 average maps here on Forge Hub and have posted about 350 times. But I realised that I never got a welcome...
I dont know... :S I'm pretty sure anyone with half a mind could see that they just made love (or are about to). At least in your others, it...
Below is one of the most awesomemest ideas eva for Armour!!!!!! *druul* I name this armour the Spec Ops Set. yay! [IMG] And this helmet is...
Yeah... wow... those are amazing. You know what I want to see. The Incredible Hulk versus Master Chief. lawl. The Hulk is like an enhanced Hunter...
I want to try using Photoshop and I need some answers. 1. What is the best Photoshop for making signatures and stuff in that category? 2....
Cool logo, Reynbow. But your signature is a sexual reference. Is that allowed?
Hilary Clinton dropped out n00bsauce. Anyways, I agree with Mallet's first statement. I couldn't have put it better myself. :)...
WoW is fun at some points, but it's so boring when you've leveled up to 60 and you do it again. UGH So boring then. Anyone have any good...
Do whatever you want to do while making my sig. All I want is that you include: If I have any other things, I'll edit this post and tell you....
Are there any tutorials?
[IMG] It's pretty much the standard setup of Windows Vista. Nothing custom, really. :) EDIT: I'm downloading World of Warcraft on my...
Hello Forge Hubbers, I have seen a lot of bar things like this... [IMG] ...around a lot lately, and I was wondering... "Do people make...
That's a very cool idea. :p
Post what your favorite arcade game available on the xbox is, why it's your favorite, and who you would reccomend this to. :) Metroshell's...
The flamethrower screenshot is very cool! :)
Looks very interesting.
yay. you got premium. >.>