That's way messed up...
Text-based Halo game. ewww. Doesn't sound like much fun. :S
I think handing that sort of stuff out is a good idea, but whether or not teens will be smart enough to use it is the actual concern. Handing...
How is Flight or Invisibility a major debate? lol
You don't always need scientific evidence. Sometimes you just need common sense. Global Warming is real. How can you say that driving billions of...
We make enough babies as is. Why would we make identical human beings? It's sick, wrong, and completely dumb. Researching this would be a waste of...
Or, maybe, Earth could just add a better atmosphere and not make a bubble. lol Then... export Earth's healthy terrain to Mars.
Is the United States Capitalism or what?
Please do. Then I'll edit this post with my answer.
The question is... Why doesn't the Earth just build a new planet? It makes more sense. Sorta...
You would have to be naive to think that we are alone. My theory: There are universes inside universes that are inside universes. There are A...
The problem is there is no planet in the solar system that we know of that is inhabitable. And if we continue to explore farther, it will only get...
I don't see a problem with same sex marriage. We make enough babies as is. I just don't like it when they flaunt their different sexuality. Or w/e.
Abortion is for young people who can't afford to take care of the baby or are unfit to take care of a baby. I think it is better to kill the baby...
The UNSC Range sounds kind of dumb. :S
I like picture books more than text books. Unappealing. Bleh. :eek:
What's this from? :S
lawl. I think I just set off a ticking time bomb by encouraging Titmar. xD
It looks sort of like a fish
Sounds cool. Can I join? O.O