It's k. That's what infractions are for. So we can learn from our mistakes ^_^
its k. Sorry but the post your picture thread was getting really out of hand. I had to be brutal.. Those other people are kind of borderline....
I should have given you two seperate infractions instead of just the one. You're complaining about being let off easy.
"Run up to her, punch her in the face. Rape her while she's out cold." I know you were joking, but that is not funny.
By the way.. your infraction was also because of this..
:] Fillr
Its just a glitch. The staff are aware of it but its not a big enough problem for them to be bothered fixing.. I think it has something to do...
Lol yep :P that post was a joke. XD
which is better? This one? [IMG] Or the other one?
lol :P It's all good man. Good luck.. Just talk to her and get some good conversation goin then if your feelin' it.. ask her out to a movie.....
Is this okay? I drew all of it, but put it together with [IMG]
It was me :] [IMG]
I'm still at step 2 :/
Grif tried to buy weed.
:D do it! Pro tip: Mess with the minimum and maximum run time thingy to earn more budget,
Fix Project X's budget and submit it to ATLAS... ?
:] You know you should have premium + 1 bar right now >:|
You could mention how people don't choose to be gay. They are born that way. You and I are naturally attracted to women? Reynbow is naturally...
What was your brother's reaction to the light switcheroo? :3