I don't know if there is already a thread about this but I don't care. Why in the hell did CA or whoever developed the forge pallet decide to make...
I've been hearing some talk here and there about a new forge island playlist being released soon? Is this true? Also, how does one go about...
Hey guys! I've sort of been out of the forging games for a few months but im back now :) I've been working on this map on and off for a few...
Probably a stupid question but with competitive symetrical maps with clear red and blue sides, is it acceptable to colour the centre of the map...
Kind of random but am I the only one who has a bad case of CBF forge syndrome? I Havn't forged for weeks due to exams and personal stuff and now...
[IMG] Here's a sneak peak of a reworked version of my map Ironclad which I had originally created on impact. Ironclad was my 3rd forged map ever...
Dumb question but im still relatively new here. How does the FHF work? How does a map get nominated? How do you know when to vote? etc etc etc
I'd just like to ask everybody's opinion. Basically im finding alot of peoples attitude on TheHaloCouncil is that we here on forgehub are blind...
[IMG] -There was a time when this once grand harbor flourished with life. But now subjected to the wrath of the Promethean's, it has no purpose...
Dont know if there's already a thread about this but idc. Basically if you have a symmetrical 4v4 map and the key gametype to play is infinity...
Excuse the bad video quality [media] [IMG] Hey guys This is my water city map which i've been working on the past day or so. It's a little...
Hey guys just need a little help with something... I really want to improve the presentation of my map threads on this forum. I want to put a...
Not sure if there's a post about this already but... I think we've all established that playing split screen on most if not all maps on Halo 4 is...
Hey Guys [IMG] Messiah is a map i've been working on for only two days and already it's shaping up quite nicely. its a symmetrical 4v4 map on...
[IMG] This map was designed to be of a 'simple' arena style and was built to function with smaller parties. 2v2 Infinity Slayer stands out...
Hey guys! A R C A S I U S here to bring you one of the most amazing maps I have ever created. It supports all game types and is beautifully...
Hey guys I've recently got into making urban themed competitive maps. Now these are fairly rare for some reason and not many people make them. To...
[IMG] Hey guys This is my very first 2v2 map and the smallest map I have ever forged. It is a symetrical circular map on ravine with an...
I did have a few questions about 2v2 if anybody is willing to lend a few tips. Basically are power weapons best to be layed out in a spot which is...
I really really really want more competitions to be hosted, whether they be by forgehub etc. I find my better maps have come recently and were...