I completely disagree with this in every shape and form imaginable. Making videos takes quite a lot of money, time, and effort. And the fact...
Lol, "Fo rizzle".
Heh, awesome. That drawing was made of pure, unadulterated epic.
Mines Asper49. Shocking, huh?
"Politicly correct bullshit"...? It sounds to me like he is being considerate of others, which you may want to try sometime. I won't tolerate...
I really like it... Heh, I think I'll try to do a sketch of Thunder (my dog).
"Whatever" By Godsmack with 73 plays. "Inside the fire" by Disturbed with 68 plays. and "Perfect insanity" by Disturbed with 62 plays.
Sure, I will probably race some tomorrow, I'm not that good at the game yet... just got it last week.
Have you ever tried making a paint job on Forza?
I was bored and my father had been playing Forza 2 so I jumped on and started working on some Forge Hub decals. after three hours of work this is...
Thanks man, Im glad you guys like the newer videos. I recently upgraded from a ADS video express to a Dazzle Video creator platinum using...
Actually thats how his gamer tag was before it was changed. I don't deserve all that much credit. anyway, Im glad your coming back, can't wait...
I love the teleporter box! Anyway this is probably the best conquest map I have seen besides the original (only because it was the original)....
Welcome Bop, Im glad you joined ^^ Im guessing you got those maps posted?
Lol When doesn't he screw stuff up, I mean it is pie. [size=5pt]You know I love you pie.
I have had a love-hate relationship with the farcry editor, I defiantly wouldn't say it's the best after spending a year of my life using it. I...
Re: My new maze map is so hard you will cry! Not the best way to get known in ForgeHub, I would advise putting time into your posts. Write out a...
Juggernaut and I were just messing around with the flying weapon glitch, getting footage for the tutorial I made for it when I accidentally did...
Lol, I think it's funnier to call it that then Gay parade. Just don't tell anyone... :squirrel_blush: (Lol.)
Re: The Coliseum! I saw the needler is no longer in the hero classes :( It was so over-powered it was funny! Enjoyed playing this with you the...