That guy DragonMunday is a well known map stealer, hes stolen one of my maps and one of Coolants and many other peoples maps also.
Well I'm sorry you didn't like it, but if you download it and look at it propely, you will find that it is not just a rectangle with 'legs'
Thanks fot the feedback, although I dont see this looking like a Cicada, maybe its just me.
Yeah but you might not recognize it because I changed the body outline quite a bit as well as other parts, so it was more inspired from a Raptor...
Sure thats fine with me, you can use it in a vid, I only ask that you give credit to me in some form or another as the creator of the map :)
Download Well after taking a break from Halo for a bit, I came across a game my dad had just bought, Unreal Tournament 3. So I messed about on it...
I saw this on I think its great that he is so dedicated and he is really good at the game.
Looks pretty good, but its a pretty simple shape for 10 hours of work. Also I think this belongs in the aesthetics catagory, unless there any...
Heres another guy for your list, 'FORGOTTENxHERO' Link to stolen map
Your thread does not meet Forge Hubs standards, you have been given a chance to correct your mistake and have not taken it, this thread is locked....
Yeah I got it too and it took an hour and 15 mins to finish :mad:
Insane heres a video of The Hoth map, At 00:39 is one of the bunkers I was telling you about.
Cool, we just spent the last hour planning and design though I did get a rough AT-AT outline just to see how many objects we needed.
Me, Insane and Shock are starting the Battle of Hoth map :). Should be fun.