Thanks.... I think....
This was a really old map. It died off, then someone necro posted...... ***Locked***
So you're Penguinish's little brother....... Hai... =^___^=
Its a map I made called contempt.
I found pornography to be more educational than health class.... I say porn is fine.
What thingy.....?
Are you really that lazy.....?
Mibbit banned Forge Hub..... We used too much bandwidth or something.....
I've played this before. It was a blast. Good job on this map. <insert rating here>
Omg Yay A Furry Chief!!!!!!!!!
Epic Necro Posting ***Locked*** No. This is a featured map, don't lock it. Re-opened
Honestly, a cheap capture card is the way to go. It really doesn't take that much of a chunk out of your finances and it comes in very handy at times.
How could you ever live without Mountain Dew...?
I asked to be changed, and I know the green was better.
Well as event staff, I've already banned about 5 people.....
All I did was ask..... But thanks anyways.....
Well really, I had most of the moderator powers already. I only gained a few new privileges.
I know I'm orange, I requested it.
I'm alright I guess. I've been better, but I'm alright.