After this no one post about anything wrong with the post or it will be reported as spam. There is already a tutorial linked in the above post on...
Is he in your recent games? You could at least link us to his service record.
OMG I just got a great idea for a conquest map and you don't know me but I'm going to message you on live. After all, your title does say ________...
This is a very very scale remake of the original, I was actually playing delta halo the other day :) I would have recognized this without the...
Well, this was the second one in a row and I could definitely say it went better than last time. We played a few older games such as Stay on The...
Thats ok I got it back up to 16 again
Sorry to disappoint but they were all out of 1 months
Hopefully by 6
Vorpal this can't happen, lol I'm going to the corner store anyways so I'll buy u a 1 month :)
I took 2 group photos because the first one didn't work out so here they are: [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Overall it was a fun TGIF, especially...
OMG thanks for signing up for my party!
It seems that this map thread is staring to get spammy aside from a few people. The flaws in this map are quite obvious and this map thread is...
I think I'm on your friends list on live, its Cryptokid
well I've been busy lately that's all I was up to 1 doing a project
Well, before anyone else goes off ranting about the "N33DZ M0R3 IN73RL0CKINGZ" I'll start off by saying, that for cops and robbers it seems...
I couldn't help but notice your question on sarge's page about TGIF 1 and I'm almost completely sure Vice runs it Also happy bday!
Thanks, I don't really know what happened to that guy :)
O hai!
Your one of the only moderators online right now so I'll just go to you. This map topic was made 4 hours ago and never fixed though he said he...