Hello shock, I have a quick question about next tourny round. I would ask this in conflict customer service but it seemed more fitting to directly...
Omg welcome back G043R! I remember you! I was friends with you on live for a while. My GT was Cryptokid. Hope you enjoy your stay here, again. And...
Well glad you guys had fun. I did for the most part and I only read your little blurb now commander. Its fine. If you ever have to leave I'm fine...
not sure yet. Probably type it up soon.
A cool
Nvr mind still on before you! Don't start this again!
Might be slightly late getting online
Srry meant to say setup and by new i mean old.
I can't exactly guarantee it :( cause of new shedule but i'll see what i can do
Lol no one has guessed it yet, no mods no lag, just glitches. I know how to do this too. At spartan, its me Cryptokid. Anyways you should film my...
whats urs I'll add you :)
Lol football i think i gots this match in the bag too. He hasn't been on FH in 2 weeks. :)
Me, u, TGIF, Friday, Co-Host?
Thanks! :)
Sad faic. I was lookin at random tourny threads and found urs, that was a sad faic loss. I think u should have one.
Tell u soon. I had to get off my comp for a while so right now I'm using my iTouch. I'll ttyl.
I have MSN, AIM and I think I might get xfire.
No, do u need a mic for skype?
Also, what kind of instant messaging do you have if any? It would be easier than this.
In case ur wondering I haven't been on live cause my internets for month have been used up says my provider. So now it's like $1.30 a gig (not...