Very good first post. You may be able to cheat in places but overall it looks very clean and well done. 5/5
I love the map. But if its the same Cops and Robbers gametype that everyone uses, I'll have to pass. Great map Bad gametype
You could have just edited the first post.
This is a picture I took off Blackout and my friends really loved it. [IMG] Ride the Galaxy (In Style)
I wasn't talking about that okay! Not about my gametype. I WAS KIDDING ABOUT MY GAMETYPE OKAY SO JUST DROP IT!... please I don't know what you...
Okay fine ignore my first comment. You shouldn't redo somebody else's gametype... happy? no didn't think so. Make something original.
No.... I'm sorry but If your map looks as bad as the pics it make out and there are only three weapons... Try some forging techniques like...
I know the first duck hunt isn't at all like this. better luck next time but come up with something original.
I didn't get the jokes in the video and the last time I asked someone If they could help me get recon I got a death threat. Will messaging Pirate...
UUUmmmm... How many pics can you post for the Photographers Inc.? It wouldn't let me send you a private message....
WAAAYYY better than the last version. You really improved on the map, and I saw no weapon armory. All tho the spawn still seems like spawn killing...
There is plenty of room for the vehicles and they work great. My friend who had never played the map before got a splatter spree twice. because...
If you think this is an aesthetic map click HERE
Although I would love recon armor, I was joking.
See the bottom pic and look at the boxes
One of my friends said it did look like a Grunt Go to the rocket spawn, turn around, and use your imagination.
Grunt Crossing Download It PLEASE: No body ask where is the Grunt Okay? Or I'll learn how to spam you. Quick note: If you are going to send me...
I Remade it. and ya its mine.
I have that effect on people.
How did you miss that? I even have comparison shots of the first version.