Many pigs. Many pigs. What are you phi- USE FLAMETHROWER CHARMANDER!!! lol silly me... That was wrong... everyone knows Charmander doesn't...
What art thou philosophizin about?
Dammit man... could've saved some albums to be posted by other people lol... Anyway yea, this is definitely one of my favorites... I love how...
That can be arranged... >________________________________________>
You'd really have to enter the gene into the chromosomes of each cell in your body... I think. Sort of the reason some chromosome diseases can't...
Not unless I call the Spam-Police! Obviously, it's IMPOSSIBLE to have gotten so manyy postz0rz faster than me... SPAMMA!!! Imma report yo ass and...
Good God thats retarded... it doesn't even sound like "Thank You Satan" First of all, it only relatively sounds like that if you focus on hearing...
Twould seem are post counts are evenly matched. >.> lol... BUT NOT FOR LONG! Post count is waaaay too important to not bicker over!
Isn't he described as omniscient and omnipotent? Because if he is omniscient, then he can see anything, and would know how everything that will...
Depends on the crash really. In 6th grade, A friend of mine got into a car accident with her whole family. She specifically went flying through...
If you're referring to anal sex, which I think you are, then that's hardly an argument as it is. Especially because anal sex isn't performed ONLY...
Epic Jaspa... now I'm inspired to make some crazy ass **** on my pumpkins, cause I usually just make crude jackolanterns. lol Looks awesome. XD
I totally agree with NUTST3R... Needs more effects. I love the 3-D feel to the spartan- gives awesome depth, almost a pop out effect without the...
No, Atheists who refuse your answers aren't that close minded, at least, I know I'm not, and I know a lot of the Atheists on this site have said...
Would that be a Diger or a Tiguck? Either way, the second those exist I am SOOO adopting one and naming him Bartholomew. And also, just thought...
WhAT AM I GONNA DO??? Im probz gonna grab me a pistol, stand in an alley and shoot up any dem kiddiez that come within spittin' distance o' me....
At the same time, there are hundreds of religions, at least. Your odds of having picked the correct one aren't so much greater than ours.
Well I included that bit because he asked in the post before that, "Prove to me God isn't good" so that's why I discussed that.
Thank you. That's totally what I said verbatim. I actually said you can't go on personal experiences because they can't be proven and have no...
I didn't say I'm arguing by not using facts. I'm using facts to go against the points made. And I have been in a serious, real life debate, though...