hey guys i made a casual map with a game variant included and i made up a story to go with it! enjoy... MAP TITLE: Border Patrol Backround:...
bigger pictures would help a little, cause i cant see the fusion coil launchers
trapzilla is a sick map
ill download, it sounds alright to try out
alright, thanks for the help, and also i signed up for the tgif on next friday, but i dont know if im in or not, i filled out the form but the...
I have downloaded many of maps made by you guys and have liked most of them very much. The only problem is that I have no friends on my list...
looks pretty cool, ill download good job
Re: PINMANNON no shadow, once u go in the pinball machine, the only way out is the end of the bridge. i will fix the walls and pm u for any...
i randomly downloaded your scarab unlimited and it was fantastic, it was the best looking scarab ive seen and it was great, optimus prime was...
Re: PINMANNON ya, i had the right ideas, thanx for the critisism, is there a way i can remove this topic, do some work on the map, and then post...
Re: Oddball and King of the hill map, "The Balliseum" with pics actually looks alright, just clean up the walls a little bit if possible
DOWNLOAD: http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=17056574 I have heard a lot of people wanting maps made on more maps than foundry, i...
yah it just wasn't good enough looking I guess I don't know. Keep working on it though. I'll get there
dont post this question here, just post maps here but for your question, i think there has been a couple of them, idk, im pretty new here too, but...
lol i was thinkin this same exact name like five minutes ago, GREAT MINDS THINK A LIKE
alright alright i see u, just a suggestion, but ill download it and give it a try
Re: Concentration Camp i dont think anyone will be offended but still changing it is probably a good idea.
I agree with the people above me. I'll download when I get a chance. Great job
I agree and its my first map so I mean I have room to improve for surely and with the vehicle pit being scary, is this a good comment or a bad...
man u can't type can u The shotgun is very hard to control. Its quite hard actually????? what?? map looks ight though. But there should be more...