can i have a link to a file because i would love to mke some sigs
this is my favourite screenshot yet!! watch and learn people [IMG]
i made this after seeing my freind doing it today[IMG]
lol i just made this today after my freind taught me how [IMG]
here is a pick i just took that and a few more are on my fileshare http://
ok i made this not long ago and i have decided i would like to see what other people think oh yeah zombies are headshot kills and there are...
i would like to know what everyone thinks about theses 2 games and which they think is better...
space ship [IMG]well i made this a while ago and i am in the middle of updateing this for a infection game so here it is! [IMG] out side of...
i need someone to forge with me on halo3 i am in the middle of a map and i would like someones help my gt: d4rkdemon
heres one of my epic pics [IMG] sorry i carnt make it bigger post yours here :)
i carnt think of some sort of trapdoor for my map could any1 help
could someone tell me because i want to enter my map in a contest but i need too know about the things you are allowed and not allowed in a mlg map
what do we think about infection and its maps? well i think that infection can be a great game to play. but because if i kept going onn there...
i want to know if anyone knows/has a fat kid map because i think fat kid is preety fun so could some1 give me a link
ok i will start by saying ps3 is very laggy and i dont like moast of the games on it
i dont know how to post pics if anyone could give me a link it would help
i either need a link to dl or some1 tells me
i dont know how to zipline could some1 tell me how?
can u go over the max of a certain object like err tanks or boxes (i need tanks) because i am in the middle of a map
i would prefare it blank and as long as you can stand up as a spartan without dying or explanations of how to do this