Halo: Reach - Getting to Fileshares (AchHntrDotCom) - YouTube Jack and Geoff from Achievement Hunter (RoosterTeeth subsidiary) explain how to...
[img] Not sure if you're getting the news outside the UK, but there's been some serious rioting and a crime wave to follow it in the UK. (mainly...
YouTube - NERD ALERT - Void Rays - (Rebecca Black - Friday Parody) ft KurtHugoSchneider / HuskyStarcraft‏
RT Shorts. YouTube - Doomsday - Friday song parody‏
YouTube - Smithy saves Red Nose Day 2011! 13 minute video from Comic Relief.
YouTube - Dragon Age 2 Trailer - Destiny Extended
A few tips & tricks for sketchup. 1) "External Arrays". [spoiler] [/spoiler] 2) "Internal Arrays". [spoiler] 2.5) Official Sketchup Video on...
YouTube - That Mitchell and Webb Look - Gift Shop Sketch Also in Season 4 of That Mitchell and Webb Look: YouTube- That Mitchell and Webb Look...
YouTube - The Sims 3 Console E3 Trailer Sims 3 is coming to CONSOLES in October? Consoles are: Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Nintendo Wii, and...
This is a thread to talk about Weapon and Armour (ability) sets (Combinations) in Halo: Reach Beta. You can post strategies, combos, or just your...
YouTube- Bhangraman: Earthquake Rescue - Goodness Gracious Me - BBC comedy YouTube- Bhangraman fights the evil Morris Dancers - Goodness Gracious...
XBox Article A new 3 episode mini-series by Rooster Teeth for Halo: Waypoint. It's free on Halo: Waypoint. Trailer YouTube- Halo...
Dragon Age Discussion Discussion of Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening. Dragon Age games are mostly strategic games...
Anyone have any info on why XBL offed for 15+ minutes?
Determinism and Free Will Determinism is the belief that all actions, including thoughts of the brain, were pre-determined by one action. This...
This thread is for people who believe in Global Warming, but are considering if it's effects are as serious as some consider. Here are some...
Title says all. Examples: Perk: Touch of God Number: 2 Purpose: Javelins, AT4s and RPGs (Missiles/Rockets you can fire at the ground to...
I've noticed many more specific borderlands threads, but no generalized ones (checked forgehub's search), so here it is. Borderlands:...
YouTube- Tetris God And you thought it was pure bad luck.
YouTube- RvB - PSA 10 - Indigestion 2004 Old, but my personal favourite RVB PSA.