[IMG] I dont know, Cnc. [IMG] Any better?
Kinda Just winged it. Yes I know its a little "messy." [IMG]
Eh, I don't really like it. The focal has some weird colors. [IMG]
Just trying out a lot of new techniques. [IMG] Cropped [IMG] I have looked at a bunch of tuts. Cnc please.
Whenever I try to download a c4d or render pack, it gives me this message when I try to open it with PS. "PS does not recognize this type of...
Which one [IMG] [IMG]
Yeah, I did a snowmobile [IMG] Anything I can fix?
I got another one. [IMG] [IMG] Cnc Please.
Kevin Rudolf [IMG] [IMG] Trying something a little bit different. CnC Please.
[IMG] v2 [IMG] CnC. please P-P-P-P-Poker Face
[IMG] Anything I can improve on/fix?
[IMG] I don't usually take screenshots but I was in theater recording a no-scope and I got this picture. I think it pretty cool with nice...
Hello [IMG] What do you think? v2 [IMG]
So, I followed Warfang's tut on viralgfx and came up with this. It is basically taking a black and white photo and injecting color into it....
I found some cool pictures off deviant and decided to make a sig. I guess it turned out alright. [IMG] Blended a Little more: [IMG] How is it?
[IMG] So, Kinda tried something new. And yes I did copy off Zerosun a little. Stock: [SPOILER] Anything I can improve on?
[IMG] Not one of my better ones. Opinions?
Hey guys, over the past few days I've been pretty bored and have been working on this wallpaper. I added almost everyone who has been active in...
[IMG] Ya dig?
Just got back into making sigs. Cnc. [IMG]