[IMG] Ye ...if you view this thread please give some feedback instead of just moving on.
[IMG] [IMG] Thoughts, suggestions?
Heres my try. [IMG] [spoiler] Suggestions?
[IMG] Just testing and experimenting with some new brushes etc. Also imo looks better in FH Dark.
[IMG] [IMG] CnC would be cool
[IMG] Cnc
A tut I made a while ago and forgot to post it. Pretty simple and straightforward. [spoiler]
Yeahh [IMG] [IMG]
[IMG] [IMG] C N C .
[IMG] v2 new text, blurring and sharpening on the clipping masks [IMG] cnc
Check this out. It might go on forever... Also you can submit your own. :P Eternal moonwalk - A tribute to Michael Jackson.
[IMG] Suggestions?
[IMG] [IMG] [IMG] CnC please.
Newest tag in about 1 week. [IMG] Unfortunately I cannot edit this tag because I had to merge the layers cause my color settings were screwed...
So I was bored and tried something new. [SPOILER] CnC please.
[IMG] [IMG] Suggestions?
I saw some commercial the other day and I thought the song was pretty cool. I found it on youtube. A pretty cool song and the music video is...
if you don't have espn360, you can watch it here. Some dude is broadcasting on Justin.tv Justin.tv - Relevant To Your Interests Gaming: x...