So I gues it's been awhile since i have posted a map. First Year of HighSchool so yeh. been sorta busy and I'm pretty tired at the end of the day....
So I have started creating simple music tracks. I'll update this list as I make maor content Current Tracks done: Killer Robots V2: Into The...
Call Of Duty Black Ops: Swim Team - YouTube Call Of Duty Black Ops: Swim Team - YouTube
I was wondering if some1 with knowledge of After effects, could do a video edit for me. Have the nyan cat video running on the TV screen in this...
I found this to be pretty bad ass for a easter egg in forza 4. The Interview...
So here my latest Infection Map, Apex Facility. It's pretty small I guess but has some good Aesthetics. Short video Below, and images. I never...
So this is a simple request as I have provided you with a reference, image below. My friend recently started a group called The Raging...
[IMG] Assassins overwatch is a map inspired by Assassins creed. The map was original created by silverorange. Watch the video below...
Teh request is simple could you make the sun when it appear in the following clip, become bright at the end and have it fade bright white?...
So i bought Halo 2 Vista (works on windows 7) A few Months ago. The game lags alot! Cut scenes do not lag very much, but actual shooting and...
Built in the 21st century, the hydro dam outputs just enough energy to power the com array overlooking the facility. Today I will you show you...
So I hoping to start a small mini series on my channel called Pre-game Trollz it centered around people in game lobby's yelling at other...
My first successful Reach Race track. It's compatible with Rally and Race but the stupid objectives aren't working right, so i prefer to just try...
So I'm messing around with HUD images to see what they would look like in a game. Could any1 edit this image so the background is...
Watch the entire thing! YouTube - worlds biggest snake‏ Comment below!
On my YouTube channel I have started a Halo Reach Fails series. And I would like a better intro. So if you are Interested in helping me out, then...
A Halo Reach collage of fails that I gathered from and some of my own footage. This is the first episode. I plan on making more fail...
A small city themed area for machinima use. Original idea was for infection but eh, idk what happened there. As usual video below. I'm have a few...
I think you will really enjoy this machinima purpose map. The map is called Artifact. It's a forerunner structure and the beacon tower lies...
High waters High waters is a big team battle (BTB) map on the island of forge world. This is my first ever completed slayer map. As I am...