Entrappment Entrappment-Halo 3 File Details Trapped- Halo 3 File Details Brief Discription My little brother created this map, and I thought for...
I got this pic out of a team slayer game.I Shot the bullet that went throught his legs lol.He then retaliated with a bullet to my face! [IMG]
I enjoy playing Slayer/Objective game types on Custom Maps.Im gathering as many friends and people that want to play.The Session will start at 6pm...
I was trying different teqniques on getting out of maps when I found this place! [IMG]
Just one of the two Sniper Free pics that I have captured tonight. [IMG] Halo 3 File Details
Just me messing around trying different weapons.I am notorious for critisizing the fact that almost every pic is that of a sniper.So I hope every...
This is my cousins screenshot, he asked me to post on here since he is not a member.Let him know what you think of his pic.Thanks. -Eternal...
Im finished with forging the map, I need help setting the spawns up.It is a one sided map.I dont know where to put the spawn when flag is away...
----------------------------------------------------------------------- Nothing special, just a few Black 'N' Whites.I havnt seen many BnW theme's...
Well, these pics are all from my new Gamertag: a orange guy.I'm trying to make my pics stand apart from everyone else's pics.Let me know what you...
Messing aroud with the Fx's today.Got me this pic on Ghost Town. [IMG] |DOWNLOAD| Halo 3 File Details
|X| Represent |X| [IMG] |DOWNLOAD| Halo 3 File Details
I have a map, nearly completed.I dont want to post it until I get the spawn points down good.I need help getting them just right.If someone will...
I got lucky and got matched up against a BUNGIE employee in Living Dead a few weeks back and got caught a couple shots that I thought everyone...
I think this is the right forum to post this in, if not I apologize.I'm rebuilding the first map I ever created Escalation.Im remaking it because...
[IMG] Electrified [IMG] Chaos
I recieved a infraction, though it seems minor I dont wish to get in trouble on FH.I am not capable of avoiding the problem if I dont know what it...