People need to remake the fun halo 3 maps like cops n robbers and monster trucks. I'm looking for people to play halo 4 custom game, campaign, and...
Field Runners ! created x MuG x Sh07 x Well since there's a new halo out, might as well start making maps again. This is my newest map called...
In my map preview, Field Runners !, I am still trying to find people to test it, so if your will ing to test out my map, feel free to post your...
Does anybody know how to delete a man cannon phased under the map, i accidently place it somewhere and i cant delete it. EDIT:nvm i fixed it....
Field Runners ! (NEW PICTURE!) This is my new map im gonna be posting after i test it out with a couple of people. So basicall all you have to do...
i have the same problem as one person that posted, this map variant is not compatible with this game variant. I ve read the steps in the comments...
Alrite people. I have a choice on Fallout 3, Fable 2, and Mirrors Edge. PLease vote on the poll and tell me about each game. Thankyou.
Well i finally got live back to my account and will be playing halo. I still go on here but every map is like on sandbox. There used to be so many...
I've posted many maps on here before but none of my friends play halo now. So I'm looking for more that play a lot of custom games and have mics....
Extacy by x MuG x Sh07 x Idea This is a sort of symmetrical map and sort of not but it is still. .Well I didnt really have an idea for a map but...
It is gonna be my first actual competitive map that im working hard on, so It has a big X in the middle so I wanted it to be given a name that...
Im not advertising my ma, im just simply posting a video of it. HERES THE VIDEO OF IT: Ancient Prison Video On youtube WATCH IN HIGH QUALITY...
Dark Palace by , x 7eChNiQu3 x Map download: Dark Palace Gametype Download:Sand Storm story The sand gods are mad at the spartans for...
Hi forgehub, im gonna show you a little preview of my new map i just finished. Its called Dark Palace because its like a big palace in a dark...
I making a new map called Dune castle, a castle on sandbox.Its gonna be fairly identical to my Ice Castle 2.5 map. Tell me some things you want...
I could pick out a new ipod and i wanted to know if the ipod touch was goin tro get another price drop before june? Does anybopdy know when or...
Im getting a new phone and I dont koe whic one to pick Samsung Glyde or Motorola Krave
The Mutant Frog By x 7eChNiQu3 x aka x MuG x Sh07 x Story The ugly diabolical two-colored-eye mutant frog LIVES.The flies are trapped in a...
First of all I made a map and I dont think its been made in a way before, well its called mutant frog. Basically its a frog that looks crazy and...
My account x MuG x Sh07 x said its suspended when i signed in. It said," Your account has been suspended due to a problem with your payment...