Number nine of chuck norris in oblivion finally came out xD Now we can comence waiting for number 10. Theres just something awesome about how...
I'm currently saving my cash in the hopdes of buying a laptop in may. This is the current build I made on he US as the exchange...
Yay another stargate feature length.My favorite tv series barr atlanis is back for another hour and a half :) Dunno if its already aired in other...
Hi everybody!Hi doctor nick.... Basically my 2v2 team the mighty ducks needs a logo. Ive tried making one myself using GIMP(dont have photoshop...
So you getting this game? Currently the creature creater(full) is up for sale and the trial is for download HERE The full games coming out...
If anyone doesnt know what a ferret cannon is go HERE and make one immediately,there awesome So basically on my third attempt at actually...
We've all run into them havent we. Those complete handicaps that get "owned" or otherwise slaughtered one way or another BUT rather than being the...
Random little game similar to all those "you know you play/watch too much <blank> when...." games What one thing would you have done differently...
So who else is buying this game when it comes out? I already pre-ordered my copy and am looking forward to my shiny war-mammoth or rhino :). Also...
Now me i love SWAT,really its fantastic and awsome and crazily fun... But its just things like this that annoy me about it. Frankly i love SWAT...
Just a random thread i thought'd be fun. Anything form playing lincoln park and wasting EVERYONE to throwing your controller at someone and...
This is probably old or a re-post of someones elses film but i found it so funny i had to post it.If only for the fact that i dont think the...
Just a random idea that i thought could be put into any map but i need to know how the bomb spawn on neutral bomb works. Say i have multiple spots...
Ok im sure youv all played it at this stage and well.....does anyone ike it as a "fun" gametype? I personelly do not. 1.I am not an expert on...
Please Do Not Post Any More Here. I have made links to this in other threads including a forging tutorial index so people will still see it but...
Well i started making a cops and robbers map earlier today and its looking well...then i thought i wanted to make it for more than 1 gametype....
K firstly i wasnt sure where to post this. I want the idea behind this map given the thumbs up or down before i go interlocking everything and...
A racetype map recently popped into my head.i want to build a suspended track probly over foundry(cuz of all the materials) what i want to know is...
Hey guys ive clawed my way through halo 3 barely understanding wtf my fellow players are saying. what i want to do here is compose a dictionary if... heres a link to the page aswell enjoy!