I should first say that I would need this in a 6 days time period Anyone with ANY decent ability and knowledge of photoshop I really need your...
YouTube - Halo 3 "Goose Getaway" please tell me what you think! rate and comment!!
So way back in January we had a leaked video and some crazy information about Battlefront 3..... but it has been a long time since I heard any new...
Val has stolen a map. Its name is landing pad and he did not make it. it was created by someone of the name skittlemeister0 and he made this map...
here we go! 1.) I was looking at the sky bubble canvas sticky topic. How many objects can be placed in the bubble. 2.) Sanbox has 3 plains,...
[IMG] What do you think? This was not staged!! I think its a really Bad Ass screen shot...
Bungie: Halo 3 Coming To Windows... Confirmed? This could possibly be the change that "effects multi-player dramatically" What if there were...
Bungie.net: Service will resume momentarily just bringing you the latest!
http://www.gamespot.com/forums/show_blog_entry.php?topic_id=26483669&sid=6193720&tag=latestnews;title;0d It may be a leak, but they say its a...
http://img139.imageshack.us/img139/8962/studentdriverscopyci9.jpg I recently made this De-Motivational poster for a sig of the week that my clan...
As of late, I can not seem to make any decent forge maps without forging with someone.... would anyone like to forge this monday?
What do you think of my signatures?
Some of you know me, some of you do not. Anyways I am Starwolf, its nice to be at forge hub again. Here is too happy forging.
okay guys, it is up to you to set up your match today or tomorow
okay shock, I am sending you a FR, I had a snow day today so I'm here all day
Okay look there was an odd number of people in the tourny so you get a free ride past tier one for signing up first
Do not worry I will contact you tomorow!
OK guys its your responisblity to contact each other to play
THE A27 TOURNY BEGINS guys be sure to get your match in do not forget about it