hay wat up paulie how goes it
fin, well ill see what i can do to get my 360 working but im not guaranteeing anything, yeah just keep me posted on what ur changing k so i can...
but dont i have to put it on photobucket to do that lolz uh i would have to take a pic of the stuff because its written out really confusingly lolz
k im replying on urs is that wat u wanted me to do lolz but yeah like i said on mine this map will be fricken beast, idk if you can see my sig but...
ive got some sick ideas, this thing is going to be beast, lol
um i have to get my 360 working lol, check out my new banner its fricken awesome
yeah i came up with some fricken sick ideas to add and i wrote them down so ill remember to do it lol its going to be brutal, i was thinking a...
waz up??? im actually using forge hub for something other than trying to communicate with American10 lol
i guessed that, yeah i posted a message on ur account
hey have u worked on the map its going to be fricken sick ill try and come up with more ideas while im at school
Great Map Paulie wats up this maps fun. sry i havnt been on at all i ran out of live and have been into my computer build, if i purchase another...
Hey Paulie this map is awesome, the map is really great for Br's short to mid range,intelocking is perfecto. I cant beleive the map hasn't been...