dumb cat, I think a lot of it is that the interest in actual, fair, VIP racetracks is a lot smaller than the interest in tracks that are just...
Has someone used Skyway to Hell before? I was going for a play on words with the AC/DC song.
It's a prairie dog, is it not?
I don't remember how I first found these over at bungie.net, but these were the maps that got me interested in racetracks. I think I've tried out...
Re: Standoff Race map - CrissCrossCrash I liked it. It's a little hard to figure out where to go at first, but the overall idea of the map is...
Just tried this out, and yes, this track is as cool as your post makes it look. For one thing, it's obvious that you spent a lot of time getting...
Re: Goose Chute (by 'a dumb cat') - VIP Racing at its finest Great post, and I can't even begin to figure out the track even with your...
Re: Cyclone Speed Raceway - 600 DL's and growing =) I tried this out and liked it. Definitely the longest banked turn I've ever seen. I think I'd...
Queued. I'll try it out tonight.
That's fine, but if you're like me, you don't always know the people who are in your party, and all it takes is one person to ruin it for...
He's edited his post since I posted, and the link was working then. But yeah, that's a real mess now. Preview your posts, topic creator. I'm not...
I used up the entire budget, but I didn't do anything special to get more supplies than normal, so I'm not sure what I would message you about. I...
Still no replies? C'mon people, this forum only works if we actually try out and comment on each other's maps. I thought this track wasn't too...
Skyway to Hell Race to your death for the win! This is a one-way race track on Foundry that takes place almost entirely in the air. The point is...
Probably not, because the main reason I probably wouldn't try do an actual race on this track is the same thing that makes it cool. Getting tossed...
To embed an image, you first need to upload it to a site like imageshack or others that will let you have a direct link to your image (bungie.net...
Re: Forklift 400/450/500 I agree, and I wish I could take credit for the idea, but I got it from the Bungie 500 map by Glimflicker (which you...
Pretty good overall. I went the wrong way in the beginning (wasn't paying attention to scoring zone location), so I think a nice touch would be to...
Somewhat agree with the above. The map is a little rough around the edges, but since it's clearly just for messing around that's not such a big...
Re: Forklift 400 Hah, if I had seen that earlier and wanted to be a jerk, I could have responded with a very sarcastic, "Gee, do you think I...