I think the map looks great, but I suggest putting the DL link in bold at the top, I had to look through your post for a little while before I...
It's a great movie. A lot of people were debating over the twist with Pinbacker (irradiated guy). I thought it turned the movie into a religion...
I agree, can't wait. Also, a few other good books are the Pendragon series.
The links aren't working for me.
Good job on being featured!
I played with some people and they decided they would get points by suiciding repeatedly, so I suggest making the suicide penalty 0.
Me and my friends just went into theater, and when I hit the back button it only shows the people who were in the game at the time. If I didn't...
[img] Just fix that pic and you're good to go. For the map, I would have to say that it looks great. Kinda reminds me of lockout. Only thing...
Thanks for the warm welcome, and I have already taken a look at forging 101 and I'm starting to apply it to some of my more serious maps. The one...
Reminds me of the map chaos theory that someone else posted, however, this one looks more advanced.
Yeah, I've been here for a little bit, looked at some of the awesome maps. Thought I would introduce myself. Although a lot of people use my GT,...
This map looks great. Me and my friends always have fun on maps like these.
You shouldn't make multiple threads of the same map. It makes people angry.
Great job with the windows and the chimney, this map is great fun on regular old slayer. I will try your zombie and assault variants tomorrow.
I think it's mainly a reward for making it through the map without dieing, and stockpiling weapons on maps made specifically for zombies variants...
Soccer/football games are pretty overdone, however, this one looks great and imaginative.
It looks like the generic forged zombie map, I see no reason to DL. Also, maps with every single weapon in them have a tendency to get old fast.
This map is amazing. I love it!
You haven't followed the proper map set up format. Please look here for more help.
Great map, I love it! Sorry to say that a few people on youtube make videos of themselves messing around on it, claiming it is their map. But I...