geevee link----> or for those who would like to watch it on their nice tv the bungie...
Re: The Halo 500 Map "Track" Pack i may try but rally its 6 maps and more to come (isolation is coming within a week) and it may get crowded with...
Re: The Halo 500 Map "Track" Pack okay i changed it, and would also note that more are soon to come when i get around to it.
Re: The pit 500, The Sandtrap 500 and so on - thanks, in other news the maps were rated in number 3 in the weekly top 5 "3. The Sandtrap500, The...
--------------------------------------------------- Gametype: NASCAR track links: Rats Nest500 LC *NEW Isolation 500 LC *NEW Epitaph 500 Standoff...
*note i put them here because they play more like rocket race then a "real racetrack"
*moved was in wrong section
Re: Wait Which Way? a brand new maze/puzzle map wait which way? is the name of the map i put a link tho the gametype and on that page is a link...
Re: Wait Which Way? a brand new maze/puzzle map well if ur going by just pictures then it appears basic, but there are few areas i really enjoyed...
After a Grueling 5 hours I am happy to release this map. It is a nice combination of strategy/tactics and sometimes a little luck. To compliment...