Speedball is actually a form of paintball. It is usually used in tournaments, but IMO wooddsball is MUCH better. The wiki on speedball can be...
That is actually a realy good idea and it wold be really simple to do. Did you ever think about doing zombies and everyone has one life?
They don't have a horn. I have tried it. =P
This is just an idea, but all of us forgers know it's hard to come up with good ideas for maps and I'm sure there are other people out there with...
Thanks! Also, is Halo: CE endorsed by Bungie or is it something that was coded by someone else?
I don't know, do you think it should be moved to casual?
Next to this map, yours probably looks better. =P
Thanks a lot! Sorry, but we have like $2 left and so we couldn't afford any more cover. Also, make sure your team gets the spartan laser if you...
V2.0 is here! Click here to see the thread!
.: Download :. Bridge .: Description :. This map is based off of the campaign mission "Halo" from Halo: Combat Evolved. It is the part when you...
V2.0 of this map will be released sometime this week and it will feature more cover and other stuff. We already found a way to save over $100 and...
Please be more specific and say how it doesn't look like that part.
If anyone has any ideas of how we could save some money on this map for more bunkers and scenery, please let me know!
There are 2 falling fusion coils that are constantly exploding the others, but we are currently trying to find a cheaper way to make the death pit.
You're right, it is very open, but we used literally every dollar. Thanks! :squirrel_wink:
Yeah, thats part of the fun. :squirrel_giggle:
He added Http to it twice. Here is his working link... http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=17082410
I was just about to. I always post it on Bungie first, so I copy the post from Bungie.net and post it here. Then I edit my post on here.
V2.0 IS HERE! CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD! Someone please lock this. .: Description :. This map is based off of the campaign mission "Halo" from Halo:...
There actually was a was to cheat by jumping over the teleporters, but I fixed the map up a little and added another obstacle if everyone,...