I wish I could have helped you make this one rip. Good job though, I played it with you and some others and it's outstanding.
grav lifts are smoother
I was bumping your mom, thanks for two bumps though.
I thought it was ok, I'll never do it again on these accounts.
Yah I played infection onit just now and it kicks ass. HIDE AT THE BOTTOM LEVEL OR YOUR SCREWED lol.
He made them like that so you can crouch jump onto some of them and not on some of the others. Adds a certain element to it.
Dude this is awesome. Great map. I downloaded and everyone else should too it makes a great one flag CTF map just like he says.
I just played it, I like the little crevaces in the side of the hill yu can jump out and attack approaching players.
They look messy to give it the mountainy feel, would you expect to drive up mount everest on a highway?
Great map dude, I can't beleive you made this without me. This is outstanding.