For whoever do this thanks very much. This is a request more than an idea. This are 2 planes that marked history. Many people are fan of this 2...
thanks for the help it looks very good with your ideas.
Ok here are the changes: The weapon's room that everybody complained about in v1 is removed. Infection spawn changed. There is a new good weapon...
Thanks you By the way: Credits: Renato Cool Guy: Forged the map, made the story and all the crap. Public: Accepted this map and liked it....
Map Title: Fort La Roque V2 ~~|||°°°Fort La Roque V2°°°|||~~/Enemys are coming, only Fort la Roque is undestroyed. Download Map Download...
Ok guys I got V2 ill upload it as soon as I get pics
thanks for your comments and im glad you like it im hping this will get many many downloads and comments, here and in the page
thanks and guys thanks for downloading i didnt expected those 250 download but can you also rate it on and please leave comment in...
Well I accept criticism but I have to tell you that the weapons room is well hidden thats why there is a sender in there, becouse the only way out...
check out some of the maps under yours to give yourself an idea on how to post the map also read this topic
Please get pics for we all can see it im sure is a good map.
yep lol btw guys can I post this map under other category also like minigames?
I know but after 2012 incident (i am legend) the repoblation of earth only gained 3.2 billion
hello and by the way why I just came back and it shows the forum empty (like it errased almost all topics)
Hello guys my gamertag is Renato Cool Guy im a captain grade 2 and ive beaten the game on heroic (only missing cortan to beat it on legendary)....
Thanks for comments guys, yes this is a good map in assault but its hard because i set it up and when i go to assault i changes the bomb spawn and...
Re: ~~|||°°° Fort la Roque °°°|||~~ / Fort la Roque is undestroyed. Yes it does but I have some problems setting it up correctly so it may...
Map Title: Fort La Roque ~~|||°°°Fort La Roque°°°|||~~/Enemys are coming, only Fort la Roque is undestroyed. V2 IS OUT! DOWNLOAD V2 HERE: Fort...