Haha, thanks. Yeah the bottom left I was kinda goin for the electric look.
They're in my sig, tell me what you think.
gracias people
lol it's just a joke
I made it, please rate/comment/whatever...ENJOY! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8oHq2Nj-hk
yeahhhh get it locked idc it's allllmost done so I'll have pics up soon.
if anything it will get locked, no harm done.
Rules say discussing maps as well as posting them. I'm not new here. It's currently in the making and I'll be getting pics once it's closer to...
Anyone tired of playing cops and robbers with that one pair of settings and map? I am. So what I've decided to do is to remake the old Jail map,...
thanks! annd i'm not sure if it was the one your talking about, but I fixed the red one and it's on top of my old blue one *Could a forum ninja...
Yeah, I would agree with that lol
yep, some other person pointed it out sooooo I went and found some new ones and tried em out dafont is a good site for that
Sorry lol I had to respond to his thing but yessss I will do that
True, but I kinda like that....plus idk really how to do that =P
I think I love you lol
You Are God lol [IMG] that looks much better yes?
ty =] How about this one? [IMG] (I know it's not a big diff, but I think it looks better)
what exactly do you mean by highlights? Working on it lol
How about this one???? [IMG] Annnd I like the first one....just I already used that font for my other one I guess it doesn't really matter...
hmmmmm sounds like a good idea I'll give it a whirl