Ya ill play with you
this one is just funny [img] By CaptainAcorn
here one i just got done with. its a desktop so i'll use a link http://img146.imageshack.us/img146/373/blackoutvj5.jpg
I thinking maybe we all should get together and give thanks to H2. Who would be interested in it?
Ok Halo CE: split screen the only map i played was bloodgultch and sidewinder Halo 2: one time these three guys and me started a custom party...
got photoshop but i didn't pay 700 dollars for it infact i didn't pay anything.
coffee or mountain dew but if i need to on my game i have a red bull and a mountain dew
So last night I was messing around and found out how to get out of foundery. What you do is go to the fan in the back on the left. Push a receiver...
imo i think ps3 messed up in the last generating by letting rockstar spread gta its wings and go to other consuls. That was their halo and they...
Well as it was said before halo3 is halo 2 but pumped up. And like you said i find that i wont to play halo 3 but then i see Cod 4 their and well...
Ya I see what your getting at but if you into the Rock Band or guitar hero Xbox has the online which allow you to get more songs and even though I...
I think thats the best way you could put it. My hat off to you good sir
Have you ever put halo on easy they what you thought it and the enemy kill them self. You never make a custom game just mess around. you never...
Well you got to look at who really excited about the wii. The man backing is over 20. I work at target and I had a woman come in that knew all...
The reason the wii are fly off the shelves is because and that you can’t deny. You can’t turn on the news with out herein something...
I used both and i got to say that i like the way the zune is set up. And it has the whole wirerless trading and the wirerless snyc with your xbox...
Ok I'm changing the subject because this is turning into a fan boy bash. What games are you looking forward to. I can't wait for spor
OMG I work at target and this my day Ring "Hello this Tim how can I help you" "Do you have any Wiis?" "No" "Do now when you get them?" "We got...
one thing i like to do is find funny pics that i've done in halo 3, so the point of this is to show off the sweet halo 3 pics you have. post a...
I don’t know how I came up with mine it just came but from it I thought up my buddy which is General Bark (like tree bark) the funny thing...