this sounds exactly like that map called boss stage or something of that nature. I think it was made on foundry and had the exact same...
i thought it was a muffin, oh what has this world come to, people being confused by muffins and cupcakes. oh yeah, cool map
i'm sorry, i just never liked it when maps had one room/hallway filled with nothing but weaponry, i rather have my enemies make their way through...
he doesnt have images at all, just spaces to add them later better to wait till you have everything together before posting
cough*images*cough about the link, use the tags [*url=link to map][URL="http://link%20to%20your%20map%20here"]text you want to be...
i normally use photobucket, im not too sure about imageshack though
downloading now, maybe you should bold the links so they stand out a bit more, this would make an interesting KotH map if you hadnt done that
it didnt even sound real (real meaning the halo voices) but it could also be some random thing bungie through in there... with really bad quality
lol thats alright, i dont blame ya were any other videos posted on youtube by the other members
were they iraqi or americans? he said malitiamen, so i was thinking american either way, it sucks
can you give us the site or was it even on a site?
has anyone else had the problem with the spawn choice in custom games to make everyone spawn at the same time? i think its called cycle, not on my...
it would be pretty cool if you could make a "guardian area" where if you touch it you die, not sure how easy it would be to cover every area but...
this reminds me of paintball for some odd reason
i rarely get one kill in a game with a laser, and i hear a lot of people brag about a double with the laser, so i thought it was pretty sweet when...
ah ok, then in that case lol good job
well after waiting semi patiently for geevee to upload my video for three days it finally came, just wanted to share with you guys and get all the...
not as crazy as the woman afraid of pickles, you have to wonder if some of these are staged or if they truly are afraid, i seriously cant imagine... hehehe
Re: its been two days and it still hasn't uploaded my video, still waiting for an email...