Some foundry creations have soft boundaries which some players will be able to cross and "exit" the map grounds. I've seen this mentioned in...
You sir, fail at video games. This was one of the best fights of all the Half Life 2 games. Great decision to recreate it!
Should have named it "The Swastika"
Huh? If you grenade jumped out of the boundary and found my reserve items, then you're stuck back there.
Yep, also space them out evenly along the rim of your object. The middle isn't so important, you really just have to place support against the...
I'm talking about pushing objects into the map geometry without having to save and quit. I haven't heard anyone talk about merging an object with...
It was great forging but I really gotta get back to what I was doing before... but before I quit forging I want to share a tip I don't think have...
Ok the design has been changed and is now Echo Lateral X ("Echo Lateral 1.1" was too long). I'll update the original post with the new link and...
(post removed... first post updated)
Echo Lateral is a symmetrical map with 3 lanes of conflict: The middle, and the two sides. The middle ground has curvature which creates a...
If anyone is still confused, I think I can help. You have to understand how to purchase an item reservation so you can later manipulate it. First...
Nice structures. Can't see much of red base though. I'm going to queue it to have a look and play around.
If you own more than one controller, sign in a temp profile or a few to help with object alignment. Sometimes all you need is the right...
hehe, I was bored of 90 degree angles before I even began making my first map. I've also been a big fan of the tileside of the boxes as you can...
I just stack 2 doors flat. Doors are uber for floating specific heights.
I don't understand :( Oh btw... I've got a more complete concept now which adds more gameplay and also alleviates the slow issue in a better way...
I didn't say anything about a beam rifles, d3v did. If he wants to try that out I'd recommend 1 human sniper in the middle with no spare clips and...
Re: Idea to make Forge 10-100 times more flexible/create even more interesting m Not saying I don't like your idea, of course, but I think its...
My thoughts exactly. It's a tuff sell but I know there is great potential for the long range brute shot, just has to be found. My pleasure (just...