In metal gear solid, optic camo is a material that bends the light around you in a way that makes you seem almost invisible. Its pretty much...
I have only been able to test the gametype with myself and a non-playing guest to make sure everything worked (bomb spawned at the right place,...
yeah sorry I forgot to say the plant point is in its mouth/cockpit, and that the defending team also has a watchtower, which is only accessible by...
I chose the REX because I personally like it better than the RAY. I might try it next week though. I saw a date somewhere that said MSG4 came out...
Well, I am excited about MGS4 coming out soon (december I believe), so I decided yesterday That I would build the REX. It took about a third of...
the description on the map that I forgot to change from the canvas or the description here?
example of a person who doesn't read up 3 posts ^^
Okay When I said "Technically, it actually did take 6 months (I just wasn't working on it the whole time). ", What I meant was It took me 6 months...
Hey guys. This map, took about 6 months to make. Now I know some of you are thinking "WAIT! FOUNDRY HASN'T BEEN OUT 6MONTHS Fing NOOBSAUCE!"...
Yeah I know it is unbalanced and the 1st dimension doesn't have a ceiling (which does ruin what the map is supposed to be, but i was low on...
Created by DestroyerX93 and DaFatManBehindU of Destruction Productions. We didn't have a chance to test it with the players at our local LAN...
Spartan Basket Ball was created by DestroyerX93, and DaFatManBehindU, of the DestructionProductions Forging clan. We tested it at our local LAN...
When I announce that there is going to be a tourny for sure. Still about 196 DL's to go, and I doubt it will get them without it being knocked to...
okay i have decided that I am probably going to host a tourny. Read under "News" in first post
Lmao... Just because it is basket ball doesn't mean its a rip off of your map. Look at the description, and the screenies. Two Completely...
wow this is pretty cool. I look forward to seeing the more complex version and the map =D
yeah, we were planning on spicing it up some soon, but we just wanted to see what people thought of it first before we started adding stuff in. I...
my bad, i just realized that i forgot to post the link to the map at the beginning, but i fixed it. (hey i am tired)
yeah, i made this waaayyyyy before interlocking was found. I was thinking about making a new one that is interlocked, but editing this one to...