Nice pic. I don't know whats going on in the top right corner but other than that I like it. Maybe try to photoshop a can of beer into his left...
The reason for the poll is so you don't have to post the answer in a reply, That kinda ruins it for everyone else... I found the thread you were...
So lately I have been trying to get some neato pictures in the theater and basically I just want to know if these are old news or actually...
The Main Concept Every map on Halo 3 has two physical barriers that contain players: The first is simply an invisible wall (either solid or...
I wanna see a closeup of that epitaph bird... thing. nice thread though
It seems like it would be much harder than it really is. For the Pit, the easiest way out is right above you. Building a node up in the air just...
I got it last week and have hardly put down the controller since. Unfortunately, I still haven't gotten to the point where the bridges to the...
For that hangar pic, I had to back all the way up to the corner to get a good shot. I'm guessing that's why they look similar. I took all of the...
I go with main color gray and secondary orange... but I think any secondary looks cool wit gray so yea :P
It seems like there is always something messing up with my xbl connection. First it was my IP address, then it was my NAT, and now its my MTU......
Fakie, for sandtrap just use the first method and it shouldn't be that hard. As far epitaph goes, it just takes a lot of attempts using the second...
Same as before... There are many areas outside of maps where it won't allow you to change into free view. The best way to get past this is by...
I figured trying to explain this verbally just wouldn't cut it, so I recorded a clip of myself doing it as well. Unfortunately I don't know how to...
I did actually take a few of Isolation. I just didn't think they turned out as good as the other ones. I'll put one of em up though :) Pretty...
Which map are you doing it on? Maybe I can help you my gt is rjblum17
What would you say it is, Yavi?
I love messing around in forge too :) Just ask the squirrels... :squirrel_rubberduck: :squirrel_wtf: [revised]
This is me giving up :squirrel_jaffa:
Lol I know how to do it that way... but then the oddball is still sitting on that round platform! I wanted to know if you could do it with just...
How do you do it???