maybe you should tell us how your elevator works, so that we know, and to help minion and everybody else...
use drop pods, but make them spawn in the air at the beginning of the round. that way, they fall into the ground where they are immovable to the...
i think: in the custom game type screen--where you customize it--under respawn, you set it to something like "spawn with team" and i think that'll...
this should belong in the 'videos' forum
yeah i do die a lot--on certain games. like whenever i play hardcore, tactical, or land grab (ugg) i die more than i'd like to. but like when im...
hmmm....25? i'm still on my first and i've had it almost a year (or a lil bit more, not really sure). only thing is i was eating pizza and got...
hey i have a question. so i'm playing halo and assassins creed (sometimes rainbow 6 vegas) and i think, "that'd be an AWESOME screenshot!!" how do...
captain grade 2. and my high skill is 27 (team doubles), but whenever i play now, i never win. kinda sucks. but i'm still good, my ranks just not...
so what exactly is a basketball map? i've played soccer, grifball, football....but never basketball. is the goal in the air, like a hoop?
watched it and no idea. i slow-mo'ed it, very slow-mo'ed it, and extremely slow-mo'ed it. hmmmmm. that sucks for you though lol
definitely gonna download that map. and wow, just by looking at the pictures you're like the pro at interlocking objects.
the dissapear would be PERFECT. there have been so many maps i've worked on where i want a weapon to spawn then dissapear later, or a room blocked...
well actually not sandtrap. i think your just outa luck..sorry. bungie probably thought about stuff like this cuz that would be a frickin intense map.
yeah my first thought was foundry, but i'm pretty sure it doesn't have the missle pod. how about sandtrap?
multi meaning like 2 flags?? cuz you can do that...
sweet guys. thanks for all the different ideas (now coming to FH for all my questions, DUH)
pretty cool, just one question... ...what exactly is it??
come on, will somebody please help me??
if the damage resistance was low enough, i'm pretty sure it would work. on a map i have if they bounce off of shield doors then hit me, my health...
ok a couple things. for lots of glitches, ways to do things etc. you need to find out who is host. 1) what is the host of the game? 2) how do...