really i must forgot to save when i went to fix it that sucks my bad i went in and set them all to spawn at beging but geuss i didnt save it any...
allow me to explain i have 3 profiles which i post to bungie under joseph max w chronics best and x117hiredhitman <- that one my friends but he...
i played a couple games on it. it pretty fun for one v one or 2 v 2 i would say it max would be 4 v 4 any higher than that and it will be over run...
INVERTED :squirrel_wtf: >>>>>>DOWNLOAD HERE<<<<<< description:: inverted is a map that twist tradition tactics in the fact that ur left and...
how do u get ur halo 3 videos on youtube so u can post them
thanks for the tip i just posted the picks in the order i uploaded them i put more thought into it next time thanks pie its simple really u just...
HASH BROWNIES download here DESCRIPTION hash browines has a system where the human weapons keep switching for their covant counterparts in an...
what i only posted the map once but im gonna check and see if theres anouther one floating around out there
the reason for all the weapons is their are 4 bases and i had to make them all even i made it for multi team when i play i make the customs a...
i like this map it got this feeling to it and the overshields and invis make it feel like those things are actullay tower pardan my spelling i...
no i set it up so the shottgun appear at the start respawned at 90 and the sword dosent spawn at the begining and also has a spawn of 90 the only...
thanks for the advice i will take it into consideration as for the sniper in the weapon holder it for only aysemtrical game types the sword and...
thanks man well this is just an expiriment im gonna make a map where all the weapon switch between covanet and human weapons it be on my next map...
thanks man i looked at ur map its tight i got queud to download. as for the upside down open boxes i seen them on another map i wasnt gonna put...
TOXIC _________________________________________________ download here _________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION:: toxic is...
just the first thing that poped in my mind and cuase u bump into each other in the air grabbin the bomb so if u do try it make the bown spawn...
Re: Ghost Town from the upcoming Legendary Map Pack hey how did u find out what the map looked like did u guess on some of it i look on bungie...
yep like i said i tryed to keep it simple i didnt want a bunch of junk piled around that really didnt do anything other than get in your way it...
yeah it aint nothing special but it work for what i wanted i want to make a map on something other than foundry so this is what i came up with...
thank for the comp i guess i just tried to make simple but effective