I can't download from bungie for some reason. If you want you can send me a FR or I'll send you one and DL from my xbox.
Thanks and I don't think they bounce?
lol yea I like weapon holders though. =)
I'll have to admit this looks impressive I'm gonna check it out.
Lighthouse This Map is slightly based off of "Desolation" and "Derelict". It plays best with 1v1 or 2v2. This maps has many boxes connected...
I can't remember I made it so long ago. And that Foundation is good. I guess I will just stop posting in this one since It does not live up to...
Dude I know this. But the Unlimited money map Lags. Trust me I know all the forge tricks If you would just read what I said. I made this map...
Thanks to all of you. One little problem about fixing it and stuff I have no budget left $0.
Thanks Man. I think it's ok definitely not my best work though.
I only played this game 1v1 but it still seems like an awesome game.
Looks Good I'm gonna DL on my other account this one is almost full. Bungie Needs to raise the Limit. 100 just isn't enough.
I made this map before I knew How to interlock Check out some of my other maps they have interlocking.
Foundation Not much to say it's a remake Besides the rooms not being exact replica. You will have the Foundation feel with this map. [IMG] [IMG]...
Thanks man and you pretty much summed it up lol.
Thanks guys and sorry about that won't happen again. BTW when I did the "double post" This was on the top page anyway but w/e.
After I thought about it were you being serious? I have the Weapons Circled lol
Thanks for the input guy's and The custom power up is supposed to be just for show. But you can still grab it. Which is almost like Glitch I...
Yea their is weapons and Fusion Coils. And I do have interlocking pieces. Trust me Everyone that played with me on this map Enjoys it.
Outlook A slight remake out "Lockout". Plays similar to the ever so popular Halo 2 Map "Lockout". But is it's own map. Very good for Team Slayer...
Hey thanks A lot man. Very Appreciated.