Download Skyway Here. This is the original design for my Bungie 500 map--a simple banked oval suspended in the air. Several issues with Forge and...
Looks like it was forged well, but the name really doesn't help it stand out. I can't remember the number of maps I've glossed over that were...
I both love and hate this tutorial. I have been able to clean up a few problem areas in my newest map with this, but can't commit the time to...
Re: Bungie 500 - Mongoose Racing Redefined Yeah, unfortunately the way it's set up currently is making the best of a bad situation. I don't think...
Re: Bungie 500 - Mongoose Racing Redefined I've been out of town for the holidays, sorry for the slow reply. Basically, my problem with applying...
Re: Shield Ball (Oddball map) Looks fun Furious, got it queued and will play it later. If you need some help testing it on a team scale, just...
Re: Bungie 500 - Mongoose Racing Redefined Thanks man, glad you like it. I was definitely afraid that the map would get zero visibility due to...
Re: Bungie 500 - Mongoose Racing Redefined Yeah, I understand what you're saying about the bottom level. I mentioned it earlier, but the track...
Re: Bungie 500 - Mongoose Racing Redefined I've made a few slight modifications to the map, mainly dealing with the man cannon entry. Without...
Re: Bungie 500 - Mongoose Racing Redefined I'm glad that you all are liking it. Does anyone have any specific feedback on the bottom level turns?...
Re: Bungie 500 - Mongoose Racing Redefined One of my best friends is notorious for being able to break custom maps and gametypes that we play....
Re: Bungie 500 - Mongoose Racing Redefined I personally got the idea for banked turns from a lifetime of watching races, so I wasn't trying to...
Click the "Modify" button in the upper-right area of your post to Edit it. I understand what you're saying, just wanted to give you a heads up. I...
Bungie 500 Created by Glimflicker Mongoose Racing. These two words can scatter members of a Custom Game party quicker than a few hundred zombie...
I liked the map, but it seemed a little too easy to pull off short cuts. I just realized that I only played it in Forge and not with a real race...