If you're going to post in every featured map thread, you might as well take the time to read the first post in each. The gametype is set to only...
It might be fun for a while, but it's far too easy to grief with in my opinion. The more accessible griefing is in a racing map, the sooner it...
My gametype defaults to 20 laps, which takes my play group ~8 minutes to finish on average. It was a time that worked out well for us, and I'm...
The only clear statement you made about not changing it was "I see no reason for it to look circular." You did say that you made it to work well,...
It appears that you value your own opinion more than anyone else's, but I believe he's just wondering why you skimped on the aesthetics of the...
Re: Goose Chute [100% Cheat-Free] I've grown more and more fond of starting areas like yours, so I'm going to have to give this a download and...
Apologies for the double post, but I didn't see this when I replied earlier: Only the VIP going through the goal area triggers scoring. This means...
If you set the VIP goal area to move every 30 seconds, you're assuming that every track that uses this gametype will have at least 30 second long...
You mean like this? Were you playing the gametype that I created for it as well? The increased gravity should make it impossible to jump over the...
No, it's fine. It shouldn't be possible to go through there like that. I'm assuming you don't get credit for a lap when you do that, right?
Exactly what advantage does that give you? :squirrel_eyebrow:
Re: Concentration Camp You did the right thing with the name change, but I think this falls far beyond the realm of competitive maps.
The respawn is set very high on most weapons. This means that there is quite a power struggle early on, but it tapers off naturally over time.
The only thing you need to ensure is that you can't drive backwards through the goal point. The two ways that I know how to do this are having a...
I've been giving this some thought, AZN--I haven't forgotten about it. I'll post a comprehensive list of settings that I think would give us the...
I'm glad you liked the weapon placement, but what are you talking about in the first sentence? Cleanness?
Yeah, I made the track before interlocking and unlimited budget were known about. I keep telling myself that I'm going to remake the map with...
I was hoping that I could bridge the two with this map. I get tired of playing competitive maps that aren't pretty. :(
I might give it a go this weekend. Several people have modified my Bungie 500 map and seeing what other people do with it is a real thrill. I'm...
Haha, thanks. I queued it up and will check it out tomorrow. The feedback for this map never ceases to amaze me.