If it makes you feel any better, he posted that same thing in my Bungie 500 thread and spammed my inbox with it, too! :squirrel_hug:
Aegis Wing is more of a co-op shooter, while Omega Five focuses on single-player game play. Omega Five also varies the environments a lot more...
I love hard shooters and had to pick this up the moment it came out. I haven't devoted enough time to it to get really good, but I've managed to...
Haha, not quite. A little over a year after the injury I had full use of my arm again. The scars aren't that crazy, but I should take a picture...
Try using logic in a compelling argument rather than just asking us to conform, and we just might! :P Sorry for going ballistic earlier, but you...
Just a heads up: looks like one of your embedded pictures isn't working properly.
I got my original 360 (premium) on launch day, and I suffered through three episodes of the red rings with that system. The last time that I sent...
In all honesty, a lot of us are in the same boat. The newness of Halo 3 has worn off for a lot of my friends, so the core group that I used to...
At least I hinted at the right name in my first post! ;) For Rock Band, I can play Expert Guitar/Bass and I'm about 50/50 on Expert/Hard Drums...
The problem might be that you can't do it in World Tour. I believe the only way to do it is Multiplayer Quickplay. It might be called something...
Yes you can, you just can't compete against specific people. You can create a private group and invite friends to just play songs with you. As...
I didn't take the time to introduce myself when I first started frequenting the forums here, so I thought I'd take the chance to rectify that. I'm...
Yeah, I'm an idiot and must have mistyped something when I went searching for it yesterday. It's located here...
Thanks, that probably saved me some time hunting for it in vain on my lunch break today. If only Grif hadn't cut my article off at the knees!...
Is this on newsstands yet? I want to know how fun (or not) they think Bungie 500 is.
No, you did well. The ForgeHub standard race gametype isn't even complete yet. If it still has more of a race feel to it rather than competitive...
I would recommend using a floating starting area if the track races over that same real estate (as it appears that yours does). It would really...
Awesome, it never occurred to me to use the penalty box on the original maps. I'll give this a go tonight and let you know what I think, but the...
After putting a lot of time and effort into redoing my gaming setup recently, I began looking around to see if anyone else had posted pictures of...
Oh, wow. I got a couple messages from friends that had seen it, but I was assuming that it would just be a list of their top five Forge maps and...